Country Court Animal Hospital

125 West Dundee
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089


Dog getting teeth brushedMost of our long-term clients know that we offer a discount on dentals every year in February for Pet Dental Health Month. Well, this season we decided to start the discount early


From December until the end of February, all dental procedures are 10% off -- that includes the anesthesia, x-rays of your pet's teeth, cleaning off all the tartar and calculus that's built up on the teeth, and if there are bad teeth that need to come out, that's 10% off too! 

Seniors, Military, and first responders, you also get your usual 10% off, for 20% off total!

And just in case we get a lot of people taking us up on this offer, we'll continue to honor the discount on any dentals scheduled in February, even if they don't actually happen until March.

Call today to schedule or for an estimate.